growth plan MASTERCLASS:

free training for advanced photographers and creatives

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This free training is for you if..

You want to book 10-30k weddings, shoots, or creative projects.

You crave safety and stability in your income instead of high highs and low lows.

You’re passionate about a lot of things and struggle to know how they all fit together.

You value family, creativity, and time freedom and want to grow but not at the expense of the people orthings that matter most to you.

You've tried raising your prices before - but bookings started sliding and it scared the sh*t out of you.

You want to learn the path to scaling your business to
multiple 6 figures, but you don’t want to hire a huge team or spend a ton of money on ads.

You wish you could *FINALLY* achieve that feeling of peace and abundance in your creative life.

You’ve had an idea for a course, retreat, or other offer but never seem to get it out there or launched.

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About your coach

Hi, I'm Kristin Sweeting! Luxury wedding photographer, host of the Dangerous Creatives podcast, and coach for advanced photographers and creatives.

I'm also a homeschool mom, frequent traveler, empath, recovering workaholic, and Enneagram 2w3.

9 years ago, I was a new mom and breadwinner for my family, and I still wasn't breaking 6 figures even though I was booking 7-10k weddings and getting my work published in places like Brides, Martha Stewart, and People. 

I was frustrated, discouraged, and constantly comparing myself to (or judging) others who were growing faster than me. I struggled with social media, and worried I wasn't "luxury enough" to raise my prices. I was judging people running workshops and offering education, and feeling like I had to choose between creativity and paying my bills.

That's when I learned about aligned growth and spent the next 5 years developing the framework you're going to learn on this webinar.

Now I'm regularly booking 20-50k weddings and photo projects, providing for my family (even thru a divorce and single parenting), speaking at top industry events, and am consistently hitting 200-400k in revenue each year. I take 1-3 months off each year to travel with my family, book destination weddings and host retreats around the world, all while having a 3 day workweek that lets me homeschool my son while being the main breadwinner for my family.

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Today I'm financially free, living in Europe part time, a leader in my industry, working with clients I love, and rarely feeling jealous, comparison, or judgment of those around me.

What would it mean for you to experience those same things?

Today I'm financially free, living in Europe part time, a leader in my industry, working with clients I love, and rarely feeling jealous, comparison, or judgment of those around me.

What would it mean for you to experience those same things?


Stay until the end to receive special sign up bonuses!

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rachel says

The support is really amazing, the content itself is incredible too!"

"I would pay the amount for just the content alone, and then on top of that, you get these added levels of value because of how personal it is and the mentorship too.”

Annie says

"I loved the community and I feel like I built better trust in myself and clarity in my business."

rose says

"I’m projected to hit a $9000 month this month! I’ve doubled my monthly revenue again from just a couple of months ago!”