Dangerous MAstermind

transformation in community

FOr photogs and creatives

12 months of growth in community

Group Coaching and Mastermind

book a discovery call

When you decide to…
…say “NO MORE!” to the pressure that you've always felt in your business?
...are tired of only measuring yourself by $$$ and want to feel fulfilled and joyful in your business again?
…are able to create a clear vision of where you want your business to go?
…are able to streamline enough to work less without changing your bottom line?
…launch that education offer you’ve been mulling over for YEARS?
…find more ways to engage your creativity and create meaningful work in the world? 
…rediscover the joy and fun that got you into your business in the first place?
…establish yourself as an expert in your industry? 
…create a business that allows you to spend more time doing what you love, with those you love? 

We’ve seen your work, your business, the huge strides you’ve made over the last few years, and the magic you’ve created everywhere you’ve gone. But sometimes it doesn’t feel like that to us right? It’s hard to see what we are so close to. Maybe you’ve experienced all kinds of “success” but it still feels empty? Or maybe you hit certain goals and still feel stressed about money, future bookings, and where to go next?

We TOTALLY feel you. Business is not as clean cut as the movies and the marketing make it out to be. There’s many twists and turns and unmet expectations and also so many moments of pure bliss. And we’ve found that when we can bounce ideas, strategies, and stuck points off of our coaches, our friends, and our peers, we have so much more courage and strength to tackle whatever comes next.

For over 7 years, we’ve been cheerleaders for talented folks like you and this year we’re leaning in even more.

The Dangerous Creatives Mastermind was founded in 2019 (after years of coaching 1:1) as a way to connect other creatives, to offer holistic coaching and support within an inclusive environment, and to help creatives find more FLOW and less PUSHING in their creative businesses.

"I just booked my highest boudoir package, and then sold my highest wedding package. It was really satisfying to have two people back to back book my highest packages and send off everything and feel confident."
- Kristen Hammock, K Hammock Photography

“Biggest booking before the mastermind: $10,000 (3-day wedding)
After joining the mastermind: $10,000 wedding (8-hour wedding), $22,500 retainer photography client, $10,500 coaching client."

- Praise Santos McKenna, ComePlum

Is this the year when it finally happens for you? 

“My biggest booking before 5,000ish – now in the Road to 100k program, my largest booking is $9,500.”
Ariel Cameron, Ariel Cameron Photography

“I've doubled my prices and restructured my offerings to be more in line with my values and dream client."
- Mel Worthington, Mel Worthington Photography

You've done so much of the hard work yourself. Already built a part time or full time creative business and are asking, "what's next?" You're excited to create and serve on a larger scale.

You love, serve, and celebrate your clients. You go above and beyond in every way, and your clients love you for it. You know you bring so much value to the table and want your prices and offers to accurately reflect what you do.

You're showing up, loving your family, taking care of your health, and growing your business. You’re a great parent, but often feel like you're taking care of everyone else and need someone in YOUR corner. 

You've put in so many years of hard work and now you're ready to raise your position in the market, become more of a thought leader in your industry, create more space in your personal life for travel and family, and give back to the next generation of creatives in your industry.

You're excited to lean more fully into your values as you grow your business into this next season.

Let's go!

Time for the next chapter

Kristin Sweeting is a wedding photographer and business coach based in Nashville, TN. She helps brands and businesses shine through intentional imagery and strategic coaching.

Kristin has 14+ years of experience photographing weddings and thoughtful brands worldwide, and 8+ years of mentoring experience creating scalable systems and supportive communities for creative entrepreneurs wanting to make a big impact.

During her time as an entrepreneur and coach, Kristin has:

Built a photography business from a side hustle to an international brand.

Went from photographing 18 weddings a year, to working with 6-7 couples a year while still making a 6 figure income so she could focus on her health and her family and clients. 

Has coached hundreds of creatives during their journey toward growing successful, fulfilling businesses and lives.

Coached hundreds of college students at Belmont University as they begin their entrepreneurial journey.

Built 2 multiple 6-figure businesses while navigating the difficult world of single-parenting during those building years and, for much of that time, was only working a part time schedule with 1 day of child care a week.

She believes that people matter most. She believes in a way of doing business and creating art that helps creatives become the healthiest version of themselves, builds community, and changes culture. Kristin's built her coaching business on the pillars of being true to yourself, radically inclusive, open, accepting, and curious. Her goal is to help you find more clarity, joy, and purpose while bringing home the bacon (like the really fancy organic bacon). 

Kristin Sweeting

Meet the Team

Jen Madigan is a lifestyle photographer and virtual assistant based outside of Chicago, IL with 13+ years of experience in the creative entrepreneur world, and 3 years of mentoring experience with Dangerous Creatives.

Jen's expertise is in brainstorming, problem solving, and finding the most efficient path to the desired end result. She helps visionary creative business owners spend more time in their Zone of Genius by helping them streamline their business through automations, systems, and outsourcing. 

When she's not trying to figure out how to outsource everything in her life, Jen loves reading, shopping, and traveling the world.

Jen Madigan

Why Dangerous Mastermind?

To put it simply- you don’t need me/us. You are powerful and amazing all on your own. But maybe you’re feeling some of these things:

-you can tell it’s time to uplevel and are ready to give yourself the gift of support and mentorship.
-you know you are as talented or more talented than the people around you crushing it, but you're always feeling like something isn't quite clicking and can't figure out what it is.
-you have an idea for education or new revenue stream but haven’t been able to launch it yet.
-you want to raise your prices but want to make sure it actually works this time.
-you just don’t want to work so damn much anymore!

Well, cue the confetti and start humming that Top Gun theme song. I have something for you. 

It’s time to get a little dangerous


what's this all about?

  • It’s a mastermind for photographers and creatives that combines consulting, strategy, mindset work, and intentional growth. While this is a group program, it is still highly individualized with our 3 unique growth paths (you can see more on this below). 

  • It’s the best of both worlds. You get individualized consulting with my team and me, PLUS you get the benefit of community and group feedback. 

  • We focus a lot on implementing strategies that are personalized for your business, but we also work on shifting your energy to attract the business and life you want. 

  • This group isn’t just about growing your revenue (although it can be). It's about expanding your business into new areas, aligning your business with your purpose, and creating a healthier work/life balance. 

  • The focus is on supporting you in all of your uniqueness and brilliance. You already have the tools you need to succeed–we are just here to support, encourage, and direct you as needed! 

In short - it’s about creating a life you love, are excited to wake up to, and feel empowered to continue growing into.

15 day Money Back Guarantee*

*We want you to feel 100% confident in your decision! If within 15 days you feel this program is not a good fit, you may be eligible to receive a full refund. Proof of completing assignments, attending calls, and finishing lessons is required.

katie bellini, KB Boudoir Photography

"The idea of outsourcing was scary and overwhelming and Jen helped to break it down in a way that felt exciting and doable."

"Jen helped me understand how much I was missing out on by trying to do everything myself - both in my business and in life. The idea of outsourcing was scary and overwhelming and Jen helped to break it down in a way that felt exciting and doable. Now I can see clearly what needs to be outsource and exactly how I can do that to add profit and peace to my business."

Alexa fisher, Beauty Haus

"I have doubled my income, hired help, found new paths for revenue, & feel so empowered in my business and art."

"Danger School was exactly the experience I needed to level up my business. I started the program completely burned out in my business and was on teh brink of losing the passion for my work. 6 months later I have doubled my income, hired help, found new paths for revenue, and feel so empowered in my business and art. Lauren was like a business mom to me & I am so thankful that I took the leap to join Kristin's amazing mentoring program that she has curated."

Mel WOrthington, Mel Z Photography

"I've doubled my prices and restructured my offerings to be more in line with my values and dream client."

"I'm more connected to my core values both personally and professionally, maybe that's the part of the course I connected with the most. I'm finding that the more I live those values out in my personal life the stronger my business connections and opportunities become. Danger School helped me see myself more clearly so that I can be the photographer I want to be instead of the photographer I felt like I had to be. That's a really huge win. I wish I'd entered coaching sooner, I realize now how lonely it was when I was trying to figure everything out on my own. I've got a direction finally and that feels great. I know that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't allowed myself to be vulnerable and be coached."

zoya bowers, zoya dawn

"I've had my two biggest bookings which have been $7,000 and $10,000."

"During the program I started doing more personal work on myself, the mindset sections of danger school were very enlightening for me. I just started believing I could do it, I was very doubtful that I would be able to get these high bookings before especially in my area when everyone is charging less. Since joining I feel much more aligned with myself! My goals were to increase my pricing and feel more aligned in what I was offering my clients, and I have! I've had my biggest bookings since joining the mastermind, which have been $7,000 and $10,000."

jessie watts, jessie watts photo

"Dangerous Creatives truly changed my life."

"The mastermind allowed me to reach goals I’d dreamed of, but never actually thought possible. My first 5 figure month ever was a $20k month while in coaching, and there have been multiple other 5 figure months since. The program was a holistic approach—we worked from the inside out, getting my head straight about worthiness and lingering doubts that were blocking me from getting to where I wanted to be. Then, we moved outward and built systems that would allow my business to grow with efficiency. The goal was always, first and foremost though, to build an authentic business—one that felt in alignment with who I truly am. Now, my dream clients are finding ME!? What!?

Ariel Cameron, Ariel Cameron Photography

"I send proposals out with 10k packages all the time and don’t sweat it for a second. That’s definitely because of Dangerous Creatives programs.

“It’s so hard for me to get really discouraged in the program, I just feel an extra sense of drive and fire to keep going. 
I guess one surprise is how comfortable I already am with larger numbers. I remember having wedding packages over 5k felt so scary and crazy to me for awhile but now I send proposals out with 10k packages all the time and don’t sweat it for a second. That’s definitely because of Dangerous Creatives programs.”

why a mastermind?

I’ve done a lot of coaching and I know first-hand that the support from a mastermind is so powerful. The combination of community and personalized coaching is motivating, fun, and an invaluable investment for your business. 

  • You get a tailored approach from a coach who really is invested in your business and your goals. 
  • You get access to ready-made systems that have been proven to work.
  • You get the insight and expertise that your entire group brings to the table. 
  • And you get the support and feedback from other experts invited to the meetings. 

The most impactful masterminds aren’t just about having a coach tell you what worked for them and having you duplicate it. 

When a mastermind is most powerful is it supports you as you walk your unique path in a way that is authentic and intentional. They are about finding ways around your blocks and your fears, allowing you to flourish in your uniqueness. 

What Makes the Dangerous Mastermind Different?

This is not a one-size-fits-all mastermind

‘Cuz you’re unique and amazing and what worked for one might not work for you.

Instead, we offer a meet-you-where-you-are-at experience that is highly personalized and very effective. 82% of our recent clients reported booking their highest project ever during or within 3 months of completing the program.

Together, we dive deep into your business, your finances, your personal goals, and your values…and then create an individualized plan to get you on the path to the future you have been craving.

To organize and facilitate this, we have created 3 growth paths that, from our experience, are the most common ways we see photographers wanting to grow and thrive. Within each growth path, we have proven systems and strategies to get you to the results you want to see. 

Journey 1

WHO: You want to uplevel your business, command higher price points, and become more of a leader in your field. 

FOCUS: Raising prices using our portfolio, pricing, branding, and sales frameworks. 

GOAL: Land one new project at your higher pricing.

  • Portfolio and Website Review
  • Strengthening your portfolio with strategic new work
  • Elevating your client experience to hit a new position in the market
  • Working with our sales team to create unforgettable first touch points in your business
  • Re-evaluating your pricing, pitching, and sales strategies 
  • Create and implement a relationship and marketing plan to align with new direction and pricing
  • And more as necessary

Journey 2

Journey 3

WHO: You are looking to shift into an educator role within your industry. 

FOCUS: Marketing and launching

GOAL: Have an education offer created, pre-launched, and prepared for launch. 

  • Create a core educational offering based on your experience, passion, and core values
  • Identify which ideal client to focus on for this offer
  • Flesh out the program and design an outline
  • Our implementation team will create slides, freebies, and content from outlines created
  • Decide on a main marketing strategy for this program and build or pitch with the sales team’s help
  • And more as necessary

WHO: You have a thriving business, now you just want more free time without sacrificing your revenue.

FOCUS: Reorganization, automation, batching, outsourcing, and streamlining of your business. 

GOAL: Free up 20 hours a week

  • Audit current systems, outsourcing, and automation
  • Identify time goals and the “new goal” for how time is used
  • Restrategize offers and pricing to free up time
  • Build automations on the fulfillment end
  • Work with our implementation team to create systems and workflows on the back end of your business and processes to enable outsourcing and simplified marketing strategies

And YES, you can do all three. If you join for a year, we'll get to work through all three journeys.

We want to help you meet your goals but sometimes our timing is longer than we expect. This program helps us build the foundation for our next level of growth and learn the skills so you can self coach, monitor your financial goals, and regulate your mindset as your capacity expands.

Group calls will be used for quick lessons/recaps, community sharing what you’re working on, getting feedback and support from the group, quick coaching from Kristin and the team, encouragement, and a practice ground for some of the skills we’re building.

real people.
Real results.

watch our case study playlist below
to hear directly from our clients about their coaching experience:

what to expect

12 month commitment

In each month you receive:
*Two, 2-hour group Zoom calls where we discuss monthly content, assignments, sharing, and open the floor for a group roundtable discussion. 
*Onboarding, 6 month and offboarding 1:1 calls with Kristin
*Group Voxer channel for peer-to-peer coaching and support
One Included In Person Retreat (Choose from two - Vision Retreat or Camp Danger)
NYC Networking Field Trip

Marketing support
(1 hour per month from the list below) with help creating/implementing:
1 Marketing Funnel
1 Opt In
10 IG Captions
Instagram Curation
Sales page Editing
Launch Support
Podcast Guest Pitching
Brand Partnership Pitching
5 Reels Creation

Vision Retreat
Feb 6-10 2025
Sedona, AZ
3 full days of workshops, food, and surprises.
Year Planning, Vision Boards, Aura Photos, and more!

One Included Retreat

Camp Danger
August 26-29 2025
RT Lodge in Maryville, TN
3 full days of workshops, amazing food and surprises!

*Lodging and travel not included (discounted options available on a first come, first serve basis)*
Surprise activity and food IS included.


12 Months
Full Payment: $10,000
12 Monthly Payments: $1100
Retreat Add Ons: $2500/each

Add On 1:1 Calls with Kristin every month (+$500/mo)

15 day Money Back Guarantee*

*We want you to feel 100% confident in your decision! If within 15 days you feel this program is not a good fit, you may be eligible to receive a full refund. Proof of completing assignments, attending calls, and finishing lessons is required.

“The Mastermind was amazing to be a part of, and I can definitely recommend it to someone else who wants the community, and just to learn and to get inspired to do the things you really want.”
-Ingvild Kolnes Photography

“I have so much free time. I’ve leveraged making more money with impacting more people. I’m helping more It’s been a game changer.”
- Jillian Todd, Atlantic BKF Financial Coaching

"One of the best things about investing in education is that potential clients see that. I had one bride tell me this year that one of the reasons she booked me was because she saw that I was continually investing in my education, and that put her at ease because she knew that I was constantly learning new things."
-Rachel Fugate Photography

"I’m making money coaching and have a plan in place that allows me to feel like I can lean more into coaching and still make the same money that I'm making doing wedding photography, and that is the future that I want. Being a part of this program has really opened that door for me and it feels really amazing to kinda just be able to take a breath and not worry so much about the next booking."
 -Katelyn Mallett Photography

praise santos mckenna, come plum

"A big spike in our business is that we have a retainer client who just books us basically every month and this year. It's close to like 22,000 for that client. And I never knew that that was a possibility."

"I was never able to replicate like the biggest wedding I had, which was like a three day wedding. And then we charged probably close to like, 9,500, maybe 10,000, but it was like over three days. Kristin was really good at just pushing me of like, you can charge that much for just one day. And so even booking a wedding at 10,000, it was a really huge win for me. 

 A big spike in our business is that we have a retainer client who just books us basically every month and this year. It's close to like 22,000 for that client. And I never knew that that was a possibility. Kristin has helped me build my coaching business to having clients book me one on one and also join our mastermind there's been coaching clients who have paid me over five figures as well."

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ariel cameron photography

"It’s so hard for me to get really discouraged during whenever I am in a Dangerous Creatives program, I just feel an extra sense of drive and fire to keep going."

"Before coaching my biggest booking was, probably 5,000ish – since doing coaching with Dangerous Creatives, my largest booking is $9,500. I absolutely want to emphasize the importance of coaching and how much it means to have people cheering you on, holding you accountable, helping you see more for yourself. It’s so hard for me to get really discouraged during whenever I am in a Dangerous Creatives program, I just feel an extra sense of drive and fire to keep going. One surprise *ish* is how comfortable I already am with larger numbers. I remember having wedding packages over 5k felt so scary and crazy to me for awhile but now I send proposal out with 10k packages all the time and don’t sweat it for a second. That’s definitely because of Dangerous Creatives programs."

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Teri murphy, therapist

"This year I hit the highest revenue goal I’ve ever had - I hit a $20,000 revenue month in August and I only work two days a week."

“I recouped my investment by February,  it was very fast. The connection and community... by January I knew these people and this environment is amazing. This year I hit the highest revenue goal I’ve ever had - I hit a $20,000 revenue month in August and I only work two days a week. I had more space in my calendar, so I could be more creative and put systems into place. I still can’t believe this happened, 8 months into the program. The way I felt about myself really changed, I am having this growth explosion and I have the community and the tools and the resources to know what I need to do with that.”

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Kelley Williams photography

"During the mastermind, I made more money and I was able to prioritize joy and fun in my life and in my business."

"The Dangerous Creatives Mastermind with Kristin was truly a life changing experience. What I loved the most was that Kristin is a holistic guide. Yes, she wants to know about your financial goals and the numbers, but she also wants to know about your core values and how to create a thriving business that FEELS good. She is an open book using her past successes and failures to help you. This mastermind was different from a course or mentorship because it’s more of a community where we help and support each other with Kristen as our guide. During the mastermind, I made more money and I was able to prioritize joy and fun in my life and in my business. The lessons learned during the mastermind have stuck with me long after the mastermind ended."

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suzzane brown,
simply by suzy

"to anyone who is scared or questioning it, I promise you it's worth every penny."

"After we started working together, I booked that really big commercial job where I made, like, thirty thousand dollars in two days. And then that basically carried me through those first four or five months of that journey where I really needed to heal as a foundation to being on my way to having a better business and building a better life for myself. And there are so many things that you have cut me on track with that I would have probably never done on my own. So to anyone who is scared or questioning it, I promise you it's worth every penny. If you're willing to show up and do the work, you're gonna see results."

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jenna Henderson photography

"I was able to really build a network of people who were there to support my deep dive and cheer me on as I relearned my business from the inside-out."

"When I think about all the education & mentoring I've participated in over my past 17 years of business, they all have one thing in common: they're a mile wide and an inch deep. But with Kristin's mastermind, it was finally an opportunity to go deeper than an inch. It wasn't just a one-off weekend conference or a buy-it-and-forget-it program. It was a relationship - with Kristin, with the other mastermind members, and with my business. It gave me the chance to really dig deeper into who I am as a business owner in a way that felt intuitive and reflective. While in the mastermind, I was able to really build a network of people who were there to support my deep dive and cheer me on as I relearned my business from the inside-out. To feel so seen on that level is something that I will forever carry as my business continues to grow and succeed." 

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Danielle hayden, two arrows photography

"For me, a lot of this journey has been financial, but the financial part had to come from the personal part." 

“We've paid off almost thirty thousand dollars in personal consumer debt, and we have almost ten thousand dollars in savings between our business and personal account and we can breathe. For me, a lot of this journey has been financial, but the financial part had to come from the personal part. I had to change my mindset towards money, I had to change my mindset towards the scary big things I didn't wanna take the risk on, and that's what this group did for me. Being in the group and having a group of  people tell me, like, 'You can do this. You can do these hard things. You can do these scary things. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. This is this is okay', and it helped give me those tools to go home and do it. I did the things. it changed my life.”

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ashley trabue

"I've just started quarter four and already I quadrupled what I've made last year. I tripled my social media following, which has become a big source of commissions and inquiries. "

"I think the biggest area of growth has just been knowing the value that my art brings to people and having confidence in that. Mostly just knowing how to find my niche and the value that I'm adding, and then feel confident in it and that's something we worked towards a lot in the mastermind. I've just started quarter four and already I quadrupled what I've made last year. I tripled my social media following, which has become a big source of commissions and inquiries."

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bobbi barbarich photography

"Kristin creates such a lovely environment. It’s welcoming and encouraging AND ambitious, but also light and flowy, with room to acknowledge and move through the personal challenges that impact our own success."

"Booking wise, just over $7K was my biggest pre-Kristin, and now it’s just under $11k. I’ve had three 5-figure bookings, and all booking are now at least 7k. I started a podcast and a coaching program! These were the main reasons I reached out to her. I absolutely love doing the podcast, and she helped me create a coaching program that was much more aligned with my gifts and experience in comparison to my two previous pre-Kristin launch flops. I wasn’t prepared to feel so personally supported. She creates such a lovely environment. It’s welcoming and encouraging AND ambitious, but also light and flowy, with room to acknowledge and move through the personal challenges that impact our own success. Working with K Sweets has really changed how I move through challenges in my business. I used to be pretty desperate and bull headed. The latter is a firm character trait of mine but I’ve learned to use it as an advantage rather than as a defence. The desperation has dissipated because she’s guided me through the patience and trust and number know-how I previously didn’t have."

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only being in 1 coaching program at a time/working with one coach at a time

Education is the best but being involved in multiple educational endeavors at one time can be confusing and slow your progress. 

Blocking off a day a week to work towards your goals that we determine in this program.

Being in therapy or having been in therapy before joining this program.

Business growth brings up a lot of inner stress, past trauma, grief, and insecurities. We hold space for all the ways our clients are human but also want to make sure they’re getting the support they need from a licensed mental health professional as we challenge our thought patterns and normal ways of doing business.

to get the most out of this program,  we recommend

We’ll work together to determine your goals at the beginning of the program but you must be willing to devote the necessary time to breathe life into those. 

How Is This Different Than Other Masterminds Out There? 

  • This is an action-based mastermind with a foundation in mindset. You’ll never leave our calls without tangible action steps to take next. 

  • You don’t just get access to me, Kristin, you get access to my entire team and their expertise. 

  • My team and I are 100% invested in you and will know your business inside and out… so, together, we can figure out what works best for you individually.

  • We have the data and client results to back it up! We track students' progress and have seen our coaching clients growth their revenue, their income per client, their profit margin, and their joy. 82% of our recent students report booking the largest projects of their career while working with us or within 3 months of ending the program. We obviously can't guarantee results, but we can promise you that we will be as invested as you are in this process. Go all in and let's make it happen!

Your life and business should be FUN.

And not only is the Dangerous Mastermind a lot of fun but our former members have had some really amazing experiences after going through our program. 

Rachel took her grandparents on an unforgettable vacation. 
Jessie had her first 20k month and took her parents out to celebrate.
Danielle was able to build her dream house with her increased income.
Teri cut her workload down to 2 days a week to have more time to write her book. 
Jillian traveled the world, fulfilling a life-long goal. 
Ashley took a year to travel around the United States, eventually relocating her business.
Jen, Tai, and Teri all picked up hobbies like cooking, drawing, painting, roller skating, and hiking, bringing more joy and play to their lives. 
Bobbi booked two of her largest weddings of her career and launched her podcast.

What beauty could you add to your life, both inside and outside of your business? 

let's just be clear about one thing

15 day Money Back Guarantee*

*We want you to feel 100% confident in your decision! If within 15 days you feel this program is not a good fit, you may be eligible to receive a full refund. Proof of completing assignments, attending calls, and finishing lessons is required.

nashville - worldwide

business coaching for Photographers + creatives