We’ve all experienced cycles of burn out. When our creative work is dependent on our inspiration, our creativity, and our energy, it can be really disastrous to our businesses when we’re blocked, frustrated, tired, or discouraged.

Feeling those things is SO NATURAL and normal. But sometimes we end up being stuck in cycles that don’t serve us and prevent us from moving forwards.

This mindset mini course is the foundation of all of our coaching, courses, and training. It’s the first thing we point our clients to when they’re discouraged, out-of-flow, or stuck. You can get this program as part of our larger coaching programs, or right here for a STEAL of a deal.


“I’ve been going so hard on Danger School Mindset and it’s been such a revelation. You’re lifting me up from the flames” - Ashley H

“I’m just so very moved by Danger School Mindset so far. It’s healing, and compassionate, and beautiful and I’m just so grateful.” - Danger School student

We personally use these methods in our businesses

We’ve seen full Vision Boards come true for ourselves and our clients over and over

We’ve seen countless creatives become unstuck using these lessons and assignments

This program cuts to the root of a lot of the issues in our business

After taking this program we’ve seen creatives:

Find more fulfillment in their life by setting better work and life boundaries

Feel clear and focused on what direction they want to take their career

Feel more joy in their day to day

Rekindle a spark with their partner

Attract in relationships

Manifest exciting opportunities

Experience a surprise financial blessing

Book dream clients

Travel the world with their creativity

Launch new aspects of their business

Launch a podcast

Connect with their children

Feel more confidence, gratitude, and openness

What's included:

This mini course includes:

-Vision Board Templates for a Yearly Vision Board (free)

-Vision Board Templates for Monthly Vision Boards (free)

-Examples of how to set up your vision board and monthly goals (free)

-Our masterclass on our unique Process of Vision Boarding (it’s different than what you’ve done before)

-Mindset Workbook with journaling exercises and activities to do each week to put what you’re learning into action

-Video Lessons with audio and visual lessons

-MP3 downloads of each lesson so you can listen Podcast-Style during your busy day to day

+Mindset Shifts for a Creative Life
Identify what thoughts are holding you back and learn how to shift that energy into something productive. These mindset shifts release us from mental holds, create an escape route from the hamster wheel of stress, and give us a path to do this over and over when we get into a spiral of cynicism. We approach these mindset lessons with a sensitivity to trauma and spiritual bypassing and teach our students to be compassionate to themselves as they do this work.

We often think confidence is something people are born with or aren’t. But confidence is something we practice and a skill we can hone for ourselves. This lesson and activities show us how confidence can connect us with opportunities, and practicing small actions increases our confidence and the level of things and people who want to work with us.

Gratitude is necessary in a fulfilling business. Especially when we want to create deep bonds with the people we work with. This lesson shows you practices and practical ways to become a more grateful business owner and why this is such a crucial piece of creating a thriving creative business.

+Attraction + Self Care
We’re either drawing in or pushing away CONSTANTLY. And both are good and necessary. But when we feel like we aren’t drawing in what we want, it might be because we’ve neglected the foundation of this practice. Create magnetic energy around you through these practices and watch how people start relating with you differently. 

+Core Values
We always come back to core values. Your business is not the same as anyone else’s, because YOU value different things. This lesson will help you find and determined your core values and will become the building blocks of what you pursue in your career, your personal choices, your friendships, relationships, and much more. Your core values will be a strong beacon for the people you want to work with and the people and opportunities you want to bring around you. 

Lesson Outline

We want every creative business owner to have these tools that lead to ultimate freedom and joy which is why we’ve packaged them as a mini course for $47.

We’ve seen this course pay itself back 100x

Reduced Stress
More Joy
Naturally Attracting in Opportunities
Clarity on What Action to Take
Sparked Motivation + Inspiration
Firm Foundation Moving Foward
Repeatable Action Steps

If done one on one, this mindset coaching would be valued at $10,000

I want it!

nashville - worldwide

business coaching for Photographers + creatives