Flowing into 2022

I work with a lot of really strong women:

Driven breadwinners, faithful friends, mothers or caretakers. Y’all can crush a goal, get that promotion, make shit happen.

My hyper independence has been a lifeline for me so many times. I proved to myself I can single parent while scaling a business, homeschool while managing a team, shoot weddings around the world and still be a present mom. It’s let me stand up for myself when I needed to, it’s given me options, it’s helped me stay safe. It’s let me do things that I never dreamed I could do. But it’s tricky because it can keep me in that spot of hyper vigilance even when I’m safe. 

It can feel like a lot of pressure if we never release the pressure valve. 

So if you relate to this, just a reminder that it’s ok to release the pressure value. To breathe. To choose ease.

In the past year, I released many pressure valves: I asked my partner to get a job (and now he has one he loves), we sold two houses and moved an hour closer to Hudson’s school to a place we can walk everywhere (so no more 3-4 hours in the car a day), I re-worked my business strategy, I set boundaries, I’m planning a longer sabbatical next year, we’re moving very close to financial independence. 

I hope you find ways to release pressure valves in your life too. To ask for help or restructure everything so you can be your most whole YOU. To find strength AND softness + goals AND pleasure. To flow in to 2022 with presence and peace and joy. Excited to see what’s to come for you 🥰

If you’d like to chat more about business, apply HERE for an intensive to get you flowing in 2022.

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