Stumped on what to gift the creative in your life this holiday season?
– Invest in their passion: any way to show them you love, see, and appreciate what they pour themselves in to is always a win. Tools or supplies for their business, courses or classes they’ve been wanting to take, educational experiences, presets, or other digital tools that support what they love.
-Invest in a memory: plan a trip to take together, go to an art show, concert tickets, gift them a solo retreat at a cute Airbnb, a film festival- a gift that makes a memory will last way longer than one holiday season.
-Invest in their unique spirit: book a tattoo appointment with their favorite artist, a tarot reading, an aura photograph, or a photo shoot – these gifts have internal value as well as external.
Most people don’t want more things they want to be seen, they want to connect, and they want to feel appreciated for what is unique about them!
If you’re looking for a way to invest in a creative’s passion (or your own!) check out our online course Danger School!
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