
Have you started working on your vision board for 2022? I’m noticing some big shifts in my own vision board- it’s not like a “I wanna new car” or “I want to book a million weddings” kinda vision board. It’s focused on presence, adventure, memories, creativity, deepening relationships with myself and others. There’s also some […]

Vision Boarding 2022

The times where we’re just surviving are BIG teachers. And anytime I find myself in this place, I spend some time with my selfie-self asking the tough questions: 1. What boundaries do I need to communicate better next time? 2. What can I outsource?3. How can I ask for help? What support/coaches/mentors do I need in […]

Stop Living in Survival Mode

I work with a lot of really strong women: Driven breadwinners, faithful friends, mothers or caretakers. Y’all can crush a goal, get that promotion, make shit happen. My hyper independence has been a lifeline for me so many times. I proved to myself I can single parent while scaling a business, homeschool while managing a […]

Flowing into 2022

Some *weird* stuff on the path of creative entrepreneurship. There’s a lot of 1/2 truths about entrepreneurship. Lots of people showing you what you can do if you make more, grow more, ARE more. But there’s also a caveat – more comes with a lot of responsibility, stress, and pressure. And many people don’t want […]

The Path of Entrepreneurship

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