
Have you ever changed your mind on a way to a goal? I thought I wanted to grow a million dollar online business. It’s kinda touted as the “thing to do” in the online business/entrepreneur community. Got about half way there and realized I wanted something different. True growth looks different *for me* – at […]

What does growth look like for you?

A note on stepping back and honoring how life changes- In November we’re working through (re)visioning with our clients. Like “life took some turns we didn’t expect and now we’re gonna figure out what it looks like from here” kinda working. Just among my coaching and wedding clients, so many have experienced grief- loss of […]


Ok, you know it’s time for a price raise, but you are SCARED AF.  And I’m hearing it a lot from people: Either you-  1. know you need to raise your prices but you’re scared to. 2. or you’ve tried to raise your prices and crickets.  (which one are you??) So what gives??  Is it […]

Ready for a Price Raise as a Creative?

Did I ever tell you the story of my son’s $1200 fart?  One night (while I was single parenting) I was home alone with Hudson and he woke up in the middle of the night (why do emergencies always happen in the middle of the night, btw?) with a terrible stomachache, and I thought he […]

The $1200 Fart (Money Anxiety)

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