
A note on stepping back and honoring how life changes-

In November we’re working through (re)visioning with our clients. Like “life took some turns we didn’t expect and now we’re gonna figure out what it looks like from here” kinda working. Just among my coaching and wedding clients, so many have experienced grief- loss of a parent or a spouse, health challenges, burn out, re-evaluating what life should look like for this season. We’ve also seen huge celebrations – paying off large amounts of debt, booking life changing projects, having babies, traveling (finally), getting in to new houses and studios. I’ve had so many clients say “everything I put on my vision board come true” sometimes in really bold ways, and often in a different way than they expected. And usually there’s hard and good mixed all together. And November is when we start thinking intentionally about the next year.

And I’m also (re)visioning how I show up for people in my own life and business. If you want to grow your business, Danger School is a great first step (our online course – find out more HERE!). After that- 1:1 intensives or 3 month coaching packages and retreats. I’m taking a pause on the big mastermind for a year and scaling back how many spots I have open for everything I do. I love facilitating growth and healing for people- through photography and coaching and chatting about money and goals and relationships and values. AND I also need to leave space for my own ✨ ready for it- how about you? What are you (re)visioning?

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